Substance Use Treatment
Are you in crisis? Call the crisis line at 800 440 7548 for immediate assistance.
Refer to Substance Use Disorder Service Treatment Flowchart below to determine the best, first step. If you are indigent, uninsured or have Medicaid or Healthy Michigan Plan, you will likely be eligible for services subsidized by the regional coordinating agency (Community Mental Health Partnership of Southeast Michigan).
If you are seeking treatment on behalf of a loved one, please know that they will need to call themselves in order to begin the process and be screened.
Your level of care will be determined through a series of questions about your use patterns and medical history.
It is important that you are completely honest during your screening, for your own safety and for the safety of those around you. State and federal law protects any information you provide while seeking services for substance use, and this information cannot be disclosed unless you give written permission.
In certain situations, such as when you are pregnant or withdrawing from certain substances or combination of substances, you will only be eligible for certain types of treatment to ensure your safety.
Not everyone who is struggling with substance use needs residential care; there are different levels of treatment as well as many paths to recovery that do not require treatment.
Please see this page for information on a variety of recovery paths and how to access them
Do you reside in Washtenaw County?
Do you have insurance?
Important questions if you're uninsured
Private/Commercial Insurance
Contact your insurer (usually there is a phone number on the back of your insurance card) for information on coverage of substance use services. If you are not covered for the services that you prefer, you have the option of paying out of pocket, sometimes on a sliding scale. You can call providers directly for more information:
734 669 8265
734 975 1602
734 786 4900
248 658 1116
734 384 3402
888 215 2700
734 397 3088
734 763 0231
Medicare or Medicare & Medicaid
Contact your Medicare provider (usually there is a phone number on the back of your insurance card) for information on coverage of substance use services. If you are not covered for the services that you prefer, you have the option of paying out of pocket, sometimes on a sliding scale. You can call providers directly for more information:
734 669 8265
734 975 1602
734 786 4900
248 658 1116
734 384 3402
888 215 2700
734 397 3088
734 763 0231
Medicaid or Healthy Michigan Plan
You may be eligible for services free of charge.
Is your birth month an odd or even number?
Are you:
Eligible for services from the Veterans Administration?
On felony probation or parole?
You may want to contact your parole agent and/or the VA for a determination of available services, before contacting a local provider.
Still confused or have questions?
Call any of the following and they can help you sort it out:
734 544 3050
734 669 8265
734 975 1602
734 669 8265
734 975 1602
Did you make more than $45k last year?
You will likely be responsible for part of the cost of your treatment. You can call any of the following for eligibility determination, and information on the cost of treatment, and sliding scale fees:
734 975 1602
734 669 8265
734 786 4900
248 658 1116
734 384 3402
888 215 2700
734 544 3050
734 397 3088
734 763 0231