DAY 1 | AUGUST 31st
9 - 10:45A
Welcome and Keynote
Dr. Katrina Wyche
Since the onset of the opiate crisis the United States has reached the highest rates ever reported in its history. Initially it appeared this epidemic was only impacting Caucasians however more recent research has shown that this crisis is in fact impacting already disproportionately impacted by a range of health disparities and the addition of an opioid dependence increases these risks.
This training will examine the opiate crisis from a different cultural perspective and will discuss culturally appropriate strategies and practices when working with communities of color.
Dr. Katrina J. Wyche, has been in the human services field over 20 years on a volunteer and professional basis. Wyche currently serves as the Divisional Director for SheRays and TTJ Group, LLC. She obtained her Doctorate of Education Leadership (Ed.D), with a focus on Cross-Cultural Leadership and Organizational Development & Design from Xavier University where she is also an Adjunct Professor. She is also an Associate Trainer for Faith Partners, LLC. Currently she provides board leadership and consultation to FuturePromise, a group home for emotionally disturbed adolescence. She is a founding member of Wyoming Community in Action.
She has served as a trainer and consultant for Interact for Health, Faith Partners, Inc, and PreventionFirst!. She served on the board of directors for the Alcohol and Drug Prevention Association of Ohio. Wyche also is the Co-developer of the Building Prevention with Faith: A Faith-Based Substance Abuse Prevention Toolkit.
11:15A - 12:30 P
Breakout | Why People Stay
Emily Bass
Staff turnover has long been a problem in the mental health field and can be costly for organizations, mental health workers, and the clients they serve. While we know a great deal about why people leave, less is known about why mental health workers stay. This webinar will share current research based on interviewing people who have remained in their jobs for at least 14 years to understand why they stayed, even during trying times.
11:15A - 12:30 P
Breakout | Unarmed Community Response
Dr. Lisa Jackson
Ashley Shukait
On April 5th, 2021 the Ann Arbor City Council passed a resolution directing the city administration to develop an Unarmed Public Safety Response Program. In response, a multiracial and diverse group of Ann Arbor-invested community members came together to envision a community response to address various situations in a safer and more effective way. This breakout will explore the principles of an unarmed response and how we can leverage a program like this in out community.
11:15A - 12:30 P
Breakout | Engaging Pregnant and Parenting People with SUD
Taylor Tassie, Peer Recovery Coach, Home of New Vision
Wendy Klinski, Clinical Director, Home of New Vision
Dr. Maria Muzik, Associate Professor, Michigan Medicine
Dr. Cortney Townsel, Assistant Professor, Michigan Medicine
Pregnant and parenting people with substance use disorder face additional barriers in working toward recovery. The additional stigma associated with being a parent in active addiction leave pregnant and parenting people isolated and without the clinical and social support needed to care for their children. In this breakout, we will explore some of these additional barriers and discuss innovative ways to better engage these parents in the SUD recovery process.
1 - 2:45P
Story of Recovery and Keynote
Kayla Harding
Dr. Debra Pinals
The morning will begin with a story of recovery from Kayla Harding, a peer recovery coach at Home of New Vision.
Following Kayla's story, Dr. Debra Pinals will deliver a keynote presentation titled "Addressing Opioid Use Disorder from a Systems Perspective: Equitable Crisis response, engagement and care'
DEBRA A. PINALS, M.D. serves as Senior Medical and Forensic Advisor and Editor-in-Chief for the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD), and as the Medical Director of Behavioral Health and Forensic Programs for the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and is the Director of the Program in Psychiatry, Law, & Ethics and Adjunct Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Michigan Medical School and Clinical Adjunct Professor at the University of Michigan Law School. She has worked in outpatient, inpatient settings, forensic and correctional facilities, emergency rooms and court clinics, has received public service awards and has been an expert witness in many cases. She is Board Certified in Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry, and Addiction Medicine. During her career she has been a clinical policy advisor related to the opioid crisis and has consulted on complex systems cases for people with mental illness, substance use disorder, and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities who are receiving treatment or support in various places- such as in community, court, carceral, forensic and state hospital settings.
Dr. Pinals was appointed as the Assistant Commissioner of Forensic Services from 2008 to 2016, overseeing work for persons with serious mental illness at the intersection of police, courts and correctional services, and also was appointed Interim State Medical Director from 2012-2013 for the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health. She teaches and publishes extensively and has led and consulted on numerous federal grants including those related to opioids, co-occurring disorders, juvenile justice, and behavioral health and justice partnerships. Recently she has been a lead subject matter expert on issues pertaining to competence to stand trial for the SAMHSA GAINS Center. She conducts work as an expert witness and subject matter expert across the country. She is a past President of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, past Chair of the American Psychiatric Association’s Council on Psychiatry and the Law and Council on Advocacy and Government Relations, as well as past Chair of the Forensic Division and current Chair of the Medical Directors Division for NASMHPD.
In her work with NASMHPD she has co-authored key policy papers including “Beyond Beds:The Vital Role of a Full Continuum of Psychiatric Care” and “Crisis Services, Meeting Needs, Saving Lives.”
3:15 - 4:30 P
Breakout | Michigan Opioid Settlement Survey and Substance Use Vulnerability Index
BritteNee Simpson, MDHHS
Katie Postmus, MDHHS
Gabrielle Stroh-Steiner, MDHHS
Representatives from MDHHS will be sharing new data tools to be used in the state’s opioid strategy. Brittenee and Katie will be providing a brief overview of both the MDHHS Opioids Strategy and the Michigan Opioids Settlement, and a summary of the 2021-2022 Opioids Settlement Prioritization Survey results.
Gabrielle will be discussing the Substance Use Vulnerability Index, a new decision-making tool created by the Michigan Overdose Data to Action team that aggregates data on substance use burden, substance use resources, and social vulnerability at the county-level. I will additionally be sharing some data on overdose rates and disparities within Washtenaw county.
As a point-of-entry for many people-who-use drugs, the emergency department (ED) is in a unique position to intervene in the course of opioid use disorder (OUD) -- yet there are still many missed opportunities. This presentation will cover the efforts of the University of Michigan Emergency Department to better care for patients who present with opioid-related harms. Since 2021, the X-Waiver is no longer mandated to prescribe medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD), necessitating a re-evaluation of the educational needs of providers. Our group set out to create a novel curriculum for our resident physicians to teach the central tenets of harm reduction and MOUD. This was informed by a needs assessment as well as attitudes and opinions survey conducted at the beginning of the study period. With funding from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, we created a series of educational interventions to address knowledge gaps, stigma, and implicit biases within our physicians-in-training, with the goal of elevating the standard-of care in our department and providing evidence-based treatment for all our patients.
Jason Wallner
Matthew Clark
Military service members, their families, and Veterans have unique needs that require a culturally competent approach to services and treatment. Staff will receive an initial one-hour training introducing them to military and Veterans’ culture to be able to understand the unique experiences and contributions of those who have served their country. The goal is to enhance behavioral health providers' scope of knowledge and skills for treating military Service members, Veterans and their families with reintegration- and deployment-related concerns.